Hervé Baley
Very happy to present the book design of Hervé Baley published by Magen H Gallery, New York. Following the previous book on Pierre Chapo, this is the very first book to present the furniture designed by French architect Hervé Baley (1933-2010). 256 pages with textes by Hugues Magen, Jean-Pierre Campredon, Salomé van Eynde et Ambre Tissot. Edited and translated by Gail de Courcy-Ireland. Photographer Bernard Saint-Genès. The book is entirely composed in typeface «BVH Anto Plot» recently designed by the Baldinger•Vu-Huu Studio. Change is good was assisted by Paul Dagorne. The exhibition on Hervé Baley's furniture opened on the 2nd of november 2022 at the Magen H Gallery, 54 East 11th Street New York.